Darik Wyndwillow

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Darik "Woodpacer" Wyndwillow, of Ebonwood, a Freehold

Darik Wyndwillow


Darik "woodpacer" Wyndwillow is the eldest of the Wyndwillow brothers, and primary heir to the Wyndwillow Enclave. Sent by the druids of the Ebon Circle, Darik has arrived in Ebonwood to help fight against the forces of the encroaching barbarians. Darik is a half-elf, and as such is able to act as a mediator between the ancient elves of Ebonwood and the races of the outside world.

Darik began his LARP career in 2004, but has been roleplaying since he got his first set of AD&D books at age 10. Darik played many games, including NERO, Mind's Eye, and various home-brewed systems before finding his home in Amtgard. Darik played briefly in Ashen Hills before he helped to found Ebonwood Shire in July of 2009.

Darik plays primarily as a druid, but also has credits in warrior and archer.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website