FierDancer of The Bitter Coast, Goldenvale
The Wandering Bard. Generally seen with 3 little demons in tow and maybe a variety of musical instruments. Starting in 2001 with the Heart of Fire Shire (name not related) and then took a break. Made a re-appearance in 2003 at Western Gate. Was working with the shire of Manticore Keep in 9/04-4/05 as sheriff before the park decided to fold back in with Western Gate. She was also seen in the now defunct Principality of Tal Dagore. Performing, running talent shows, and assisting various officer holders if they needed help. In August of 2006 she moved to the Duchy of The Bitter Coast in Goldenvale. She is ususally a pleasant individual.
- Likes
Bardic, Chocolate, Her fuzzy pink barbar sash, coffee, coke-a-cola, anime and video games
- dislikes
Bad table manners, Bad drunks, people who wait til the last minute to finish their entries then complain about it,being cold, Grendel bros. burning in fires
Affiliated Groups=
- Fighting Company
Grendel, Valkyrie of the Bull Clan
- Households
House of the Unladen Swallow- Dedicated to the Performance Arts
Belted Line
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
More Information
- Myspace *if you're bored*