Sadira Izdihar
From AmtWiki
Sadira Izdihar, of North River Neverwinter
”Beauty must be defined as what we are, or else the concept itself is our enemy.” - crimethinc.
Current Class: Color
Interest: Arts & Sciences
Talent: Belly Dancing
Hobbies: Making Hemp Jewelry, Playing Flute
Affiliated Groups
Co-Founder of House Maverick
Laughing Ronin, a boffer group not affiliated with Amtgard.
Kestrel Keep, a freehold, located in Gainesville, FL.
Belted Family
Notable Accomplishments
Assisted Aloysia "Saint" Maverick with the planning and successful launch of Eastern Shores, first event hosted by House Maverick.
Additional Images
More Information
- Sadira on AmtSocial