Spork and Cleaver

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Revision as of 22:40, 4 May 2009 by Veteris (talk | contribs)

== The House of Spork and Cleaver ==


What is Spork and Cleaver? Spork and Cleaver is a household started by Veteris DragooN. His intent being the consumption of good food. To learning what food is, experiencing the new, and broadening our pallets.


Veteris DragooN:

Head of the household, as well as the first founding member. Graduated Le Cordon Blue in November of 08.


Veteris DragooN's better half. Many of you know her as Ashleigh. She has volunteered her time as well as her weaponry on multiple occasions. She also hosts A & S nights Bi-Weekly.


Not an hour later was it that I got a PM on the Siar Geata forums that Dieter expressed interest in joining. I would like to announce our first VIP in Spork and Cleaver.

Madame Bon Derriere:

Our 4th official member, also a well known member of Siar Geata and hosts our A & S nights on a Bi-Weekly schedule.