Also known as Zen thistle Master Monk Goddess of thrift Became a dame I think after holding a the title of arts and science grand regency of Stormwall.
Discovered Amtgard shortly after discovering texas ren fair Wanted something that would last all yr round. NExt door neighbor Dreagon said well if you like ren fair.. you should give amtgard a try. a 2 minute walk led me to a game much like the nostagic hit some with the empty cardboard wrapping paper roll.. except it didn't break after the third hit.
learned best fighting skills from Kane and Killmany.
Former pink Harem girl of the King Dreagon Also squire to the retired Knight Dreagon.
likes to fight. Prefers shield and sword. The shield base was a gift from Zol.
The Thistle is her prefered symbol. It represents pretty with an untouchable prickly do not pick me or I shall poke you with my thorns. Very good flower for the a warrior chick. First WEtland woman to join House Morriganna.. 5 warriors :P is my faviorite awards!
Left Amtgard to Marry an English Man... and live Domestically for a bit.
Currently raising family .. sometimes spotted out at storm wall or ironwood. (still like to fight)