Description from the Dor Un Avathar
Creature is immune to all attacks except when casting magic, using abilities or otherwise interacting with the physical world. Monsters with this trait may not engage in combat except with Innate or Magic-Like Abilities. They are vulnerable to attack for three seconds after casting stops or an ability is discharged. (ex.: a Wraith with Touch of Death is vulnerable during casting and for three seconds after casting is complete and after the attack is discharged.)
Monsters who are Incorporeal
- Banshee
- Beacon
- Donjon
- Dreamstalker
- Ghost
- Poltergeist
- Sea Jinn
- Spectre
- Spirit Familiar
- Will-O-the-Wisp
Player Notes
Many players abuse what I believe the nature of Incorporeal to be. For instance, I've seen a summoned Donjon hurling himself in front of Fireballs lobbed at his summoner, deflecting them and claiming no damage due to being Incorporeal. Reeves are advised to look out for this and rule as they see fit on it; my personal verdict would be that the player was dead for intentionally stopping the Fireball (seeing as it is an object with a physical presence). It can't be helped that real players have a battlefield presence and thus will stop arrows that happen to hit them (albeit perhaps painfully), but intentionally blocking things smacks of loophole/gray area exploitation. --Miles Ookami