Lady Squire Mirrim "The blank blank lion" Mac Cambuel, of River's End, Desert Winds
"Also, I ♥ Casca, Mirrim, and Sraw." - Rakhir
"Mirrim makes really good non-magical brownies!"- Raven
Joined Amtgard in 1997 in the Inland Ocean, then under Dragonspine. After meeting him at Clan in 1999, she married Sable Al'Mantene of the Saracens Tribe of the Dream in the fall of 2001. (They have two daughters and welcomed a son just this June.) After taking several years off from the game, she resurfaced in The River's End, under Desert Winds.
Affiliated Groups
One of the 9 founding members of House Margarita Chicks
Member of the Golden Lions (inducted at Salt Wars, 2008).
A member of the Wokou Syndicate (Capo Bastone)
Belted Family
Before leaving the game in late 1999, she was Woman at Arms to Dame Aurora Selene. Promoted to Squire in 2007.
Offices Held
Regent of Inland Ocean, October 1998 to April 1999.
Assistant Prime Minster of Rivers End, May 2008 to November 2008.
Additional Images
Mirrim with Zoe, one of her two daughters.
Mirrim with her husband, Sable Al'Mantene.