Anti-Magic (V7)

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Revision as of 06:25, 18 August 2008 by Mithrandiel (talk | contribs) (Added to Category: Sorcery Magic)

Anti-Magic (FE, Sorcery)


50 ft. measure, yellow markers


Mark an area with a 50 ft. radius, repeat x20 "May all forms of magic forsake this place."


No magic of any kind will work within the circle, though enchantments will reappear when removed from the affected area.


Dispel Magic, if cast from outside the sphere of influence, will remove Anti-Magic.

Who gets it?

A 3rd level Wizard spell.

Monsters who have anti magic zones

  • Oaken:Zone (unlimited) This ability must be centered on the Home Tree and may not be Dispelled. At 1st level this ability extends 10 feet in all directions from the trunk of the tree. This zone also represents the range of the player(s) portraying the Branches (see Bound)