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Staccatto, of the Crimson Sanctum under Westmarch

”Damnit [Staccatto], stop being better at women than me.” -Lord Shadowraith Lykaios


Staccatto was introduced to Amtgard in the spring of 2007 as a senior in high school. He played regularly with the Crimson Sanctum throughout his senior year and the summer until he moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. In Seattle, he likes to say that he plays once in a while with the boys at the Inland Ocean, but in reality, he's only been there once and hates to ride a bus for several hours just to sling a little foam. Though he once rode the bus for over two hours to go back, only to remember that they meet on Saturday and not Sunday. Since moving to college, Staccatto only really does anything Amtgard-related during his vacations back home, when he plays regularly with the Sanctum.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Chancellor Pro-Tem for the Crimson Sanctum during the summer of 2008
  • Occasionally writes songs about various people in the shire. Ask him to play you "Dirty Filthy Stinky John" or "Ballad of the Wraith" someday.
  • Responsible for the heraldry of the Crimson Sanctum. Though the actual sketch of the heraldry was done by an artist friend of his, he spearheaded the initiative to get it made and inked and digitized it himself.
  • Is coming dangerously close to succeeding in his recent project to get Shadowraith so exasperated that he cries.

More Information

I come off as a bit of an arrogant jerk sometimes. Sorry about that; it's more of an act than anything. Oh, and I like to make people laugh.