Liam Fitzdonal
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Revision as of 06:05, 11 August 2007 by Liamfitzdonal (talk | contribs)
"Where's my wine!?"
Liam's Device:
Liam began playing in Silverwater in 1995. An on-again, off-again player, he now devotes himself to bardics, for which he is better known than his battlefield prowess. His battlefield prowess, by the way, is close to newb with a hint of flurb thrown in for flavor. Won awards for role-playing, mostly for playing a brownie (the closest thing to leprechaun in the rules). Usually brings his bodhran to the field, even if the goatskin gets all floppy in the humidity.
He is currently attempting to get all heraldric devices in the Kingdom of Neverwinter collected into one online place, and to promote the use of Heraldry in general among the lands of Amtgard.