Salt Wars
An event run by River's End each Spring around early- to mid-May in Utah.
Salt Wars occurs typically in mid May located near Salt Lake City, UT. It has been hosted by River's End but has recently become a event hosted by the Principality of Desert Winds.
Salt Wars is when our Principality Monarchy steps up for the summer reign.
Our events have gotten rave reviews. We pride ourselves on making sure you get bang for your event fee. It is our goal to provide every meal from gate open to end of event. If you doubt our sincerity ask anybody who has gone to our events, we are the happy shiney of Amtgard.
Salt Wars started when IM Emperor Elect, Sir Michael Hammer of God, contacted the Sheriff of River's End (Fitz Caliston) in early spring of 2002 explaining his goal of traveling to meet with all the groups of the Empire. MHoG requested to meet with both theShire of River's End and the Barony of Dragonspire (Cedar City UT) at the same time in an effort to facilitate his travel plans.
Three weeks of intense planing and lots of hard work from both Utah groups produced the first Salt Wars, held in a canyon in southern Tooele County (about 45 minutes from Salt Lake). Since then the event has acted as the catalyst that has melded all the groups who eventually formed the Principality of Desert Winds and currently are making their push for Kingdom.
Salt Wars has grown each year and continues to get bigger and better. Come see if your worth your Salt!
We KNOW we are!
Individual Events;
- Salt Wars 2007 Autocrated by Daenen. Held at Castle Park in Provo, UT. Approx 140 People.
- Salt Wars 2006 Co-Autocrated by Fitz and Loptr. Held at Castle Park in Provo, UT. Approx 150 people in attendance
- Salt Wars 2005 Autocrated by Severin. Held at Kayrana Fields in Oak City, UT. Approx 120 people in attendance.
- Salt Wars 2004 Autocrated by ?? Held at Kayrana Fields in Oak City, UT. Approx 100 People in attendance
- Salt Wars 2003 Autocrated by?? Held in Tooele Canyon.
-[zoom&Itemid=28&page=view&catid=30&PageNo=27&key=157&hit=1|Salt Wars pics]