House Novellis

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House Novellis

A household started in the Kingdom of Tal Dagore

Biography of Group

We are a select group of active Amtgarders that serve to facilitate and make possible the best events for Amtgard that there can be. Our focus is to raise and maintain a higher quality standard for Amtgard events.

House Requirements

  • Members of the House are required to be active, Citizen players of Amtgard
  • Members of the House must have served as an O'crat for what is considered a successful event by the household.
  • Members of the house are required to be involved in the planning or running of two events a year minimum. This can be as O'Crats or simply assisting with the current kingdom monarchy plan.
  • A 2/3rd Majority vote will take place by acting members.


Notable Accomplishments

Staffed and ran Lords War [11-9-2018]

More Information

  • Orkhousehold.GIF