Melee (LARP)

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What is it?

MELEE stands for "Martial Enactment League Enabling Expression," and is a live-action medieval battlegame (or LARP) organization founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1982. MELEE has organized chapters in seven other states, organized into four tiers (Tributary, Redoubt, Faction/Bastion, and Stronghold) based upon chapter size. As the original birthplace of MELEE, Tulsa is its "Crown Province," or permanent capitol. MELEE is primarily a combat organization, with less role-playing activity than in some LARPs (including Amtgard). MELEE does not allow magic or monsters in its games, although the game is set in a fantasy human world. Much of the emphasis is on conflicts between five households, or "factions", which rival each other across the lands of MELEE. Weapons are similar to Amtgard weapons in the 1980's-- mostly constructed of PVC or fiberglass cores wrapped with foam and duct-tape, but with a stronger emphasis on minimum weights for each weapon and shield type and the use of colored duct tape to make weapons look even more realistic (brown tape on wood, silver on metal, etc.). MELEE members are also expected to garb and present themselves well, and when combined with the realistic look of their weapons, their quality garb creates quite an impression when large groups of warriors take to the field! Members are generally expected to stay somewhat "in-character" during events, though few actually roleplay much beyond choosing a MELEE name.

How is is different?

MELEE's combat system is similar to Amtgard, but hits to the groin and upper shoulders are banned, and breast-shots against women do not count. This is partly because MELEE's weapons are harder and heavier than those used by Amtgard. MELEE's combat system allows sheild bashing, grabbing opponants' weapons, as well as tripping, throwing, or physically grappling with opponents. Psychological intimidation is a common tactic in MELEE fights, since MELEE weapons are generally heavier and much harder than their Amtgard equivalents, and a solid hit in Melee can leave large bruises or even break skin.

Conflicts between Amtgard and MELEE

According to current MELEE members, the Amtgard Shires of Lazarus Grove and Storm Peak in Tulsa were both formed by ex-MELEE members, and were both said to have been organized mainly to prolong a personal dispute with MELEE's leadership at the time. In response to what they saw as repeated personal attacks against the group and its members, MELEE's leaders are said to have actively discouraged the growth of Amtgard in Tulsa by organizing MELEE events at the same parks and at the same times as Amtgard groups were meeting, in an attempt to draw attention (and prospective recruits) away from Amtgard. At least partly due to the fallout from this dispute, Amtgard continues to have a very bad reputation among current MELEE members (and to a lesser extent, among the Tulsa fantasy and science fiction community at large). Before founding the Freehold of Five Banners in Tulsa, Maccalus Caerwent Ex spent several months attending MELEE events and trying to establish a truce between the two groups.

Players who have crossed over, or play both