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Morgorach is not a Company focused on the win. We are focused on the fun of the game, and what we as a company can bring to it. Some say we may lose the fight, but we look good doing it.

Our household is very centered on A&S.

We strive to be the best and most honorable combatants on the field. We en devour to represent Clan Morgorach with pride and skill in everything we do. You do not have to be a member of our household to join our company, nor do you have to fight to be part of our house.


The story of Clan Morgorach starts in the Barony of Ironcloud, the then seat of the Emerald Hills. One day our founders (Elders) were sitting in a bedroom talking about the things they felt were wrong or could be made better in the Barony. As a way to better themselves and the Barony, Skullband, Athisdaine, Mythralicus, and Horus decided to form a fighting company that was balanced so that one person could not control it. They searched for a name that suited them, something that made them feel good. Most of them were avid Warhammer 40K players. Originally they were to be the Death Jesters, but they felt the name was little corny so they used one of the elven names for Death Jesters - MORGORACH!

They made several banners with the main one created by Athisdane with a minotaur skull on a green field. Skullband made the heavy weapons fighting pennet, a horned skull in a purple field edged with silver triangles. Chris Jarmello made a field banner for them with something akin to the Danzig skull wearing a crown made out of skulls on a green field. Their colors, our colors, were green & black. The green is for the mother earth from which we all came and the black is for the adversity that we must face every day. The skull motifs on the banners were the trophies of our enemies and warnings to others that dare to tread on us.

Clan Morgorach grew quickly. At one point they were one of the largest companies in the Emerald Hills, but when many members of the company joined the military it left the clan without strong leadership. The Emerald Hills Clan Morgorach diminished, but that is not the end of our story.

Just outside of Fort Hood, in Kileen TX, Athisdaine and other members started Dragon's Haven and kept Clan Morgorach alive. Also, in Germany, Clan Morgorach found a foothold. Again, due to the military and change of duty stations our clan diminished. Again, this is not the end of the story.

In 2000, Lord Tatter tried to resuscitated Clan Morgorach in the Emerald Hills. In 2001, Lord Squire Teth began building Morgorach in the Rising Winds. We are alive and growing. We are becoming stronger and better with each passing day. We are Morgorach.

We as sorry to report that on May 24, 2004, Lord Tatter posted a letter to the Court of Morgorach egroup explaining that the clan had once again fallen in the EH. Though sorry to see our brothers go, the rest of us continue on.


Olyx Elmshadow (

Former Members include