Dexter Northwood
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Revision as of 08:03, 19 April 2019 by Dexternorthwood (talk | contribs)
Dexter Northwood, of the Duchy of the Iron Mountains
”You can't play the same jokes people have already gotten tricked by.”
Dexter began playing in the Spring of 2017 at the Duchy of the Iron Mountains in Denver, Colorado. He is known for being a relatively good fighter for his age, as he is only in his early teens. Dexter is the son of Geryon, which explains where he gets some of his fighting skill. Dexter is a rising fighter, with some noting that, "He gets better every time I fight him". Dexter is a calm, passionate individual, who takes his time listening to experienced fighters, to gain some skill and technique. He is also a huge meme person.
Additional images
Notable accomplishments
1st order of the Warrior
Additional Facts
- "Biggest douchebag of the Iron Mountains", according to Tyr
- Former name is "Bentley"