Misty Hills

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Revision as of 00:05, 10 September 2016 by Warhound (talk | contribs) (→‎People)

A freehold Shire, located in Concordia, Kansas

Misty Hills.jpeg===Heraldry===


Misty Hills was started by Warhound Stormaxe, in early May of 2016. The first Park Day was at Warhound's house with Hyperious, Pixie, Aspasia, Alexander, Amaranthia, and Leon. We held fighting and decided which end of the park to use. Our first Park day at Airport park was 04/17/2016. As of this writing at 09/09/2016 we are still growing and learning Amtgard better.



Sheriff Warhound Stormaxe PM: Warhound Stormaxe Regent: Aspasia Silverpaw Champion: Leon Andleprose Guild Master of Reeves: Warhound Stormaxe


Hyperious the Merciless Cyfer of Clan Iron Tree Ayomi Alexander Silveraxe Amaranthia Storm Hawk Bloodhound Darvak Ra Celevon Asmodeous Buford of Taggit Baashar Durach Smasher Diana Strongbow Iaerish

The rest have not picked names yet.

Contacts and Directions

warhound.stormaxe at gmail dot com