Gen Jopari
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Revision as of 02:53, 24 February 2016 by Gen Jopari (talk | contribs) (→Man-at-Arms Gen Jopari, of Greenwood Keep in the Kingdom of the Northern Lights)
Squire Gen Jopari, of Greenwood Keep in the Kingdom of the Northern Lights
”Lets go have some fun!”
I started playing Amtgard in March of 2011. Since then it has become an incredible source of fun and friendship for me. I love this game and I give it my all every time I step out onto the field!
Affiliated Groups
- Aegis Company Full member
- Church of Apocalypse Saint of Bloodshed
- House Face
- Tribe of Dragonclaw ORK
- The League of Extrodinary Fluffy Men ORK
Belted Family
- Duke Sir Lynn Brightsword Knight
- Baronet Squire Andreas Von Stevick Squire-Brother
Notable Accomplishments
- Man-at-Arms to Sir Lynn Brightsword 2012
- Squire to Sir Lynn Brightsword 2014
- Master Barbarian awarded at NLCC 2013
- Champion of the Northern Lights from March 2014 - March 2015
- Defender Title Awarded at NLCC Spring 2015
- Winner of the First Annual Gladiator Games at the Northern Light Coronation Camp out 2012.
- Over all Champion of the Pacific Northwest Games at the Northern Light Coronation Camp out 2012.
More Information