Mishka Thundervoice

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Mishka Thundervoice, Troubadour Extraordinaire, Tamer of That One Dragon That Attacked Ironwood, Holder of Many Made Up Titles, and Jester to the Royal Court, of Ironwood, Kingdom of the Wetlands

”Something funny because I'm the Jester.”


RP: Mishka grew up in a monastery, and simply couldn't stand it there. He'd constantly sneak out, go to the taverns, and cause all kinds of chaos and mischief. When he was old enough, he took it upon himself to go in a "general that way direction" because he had nothing better to do. As he wandered around, he picked up stories and songs from the traveling minstrels he came across, and found a love for bow making. One day he woke up drunk on the outskirts of a growing town called "Ironwood". He figured it was as good a place as any, and decided to live there. He can now be seen screwing something up here or there in the outskirts of Ironwood, because even he knows it'd be a disaster to go into town!

Mundane: Mishka started playing in 2009 when Kentigern S'rendi would come to a local park to show him and his friends how to hit each other with foam weapons. After a four year absence where he completely forgot about the game, Mishka came back to Ironwood looking for a place to nerd out. He enjoys entertaining the people at park and keeping everything light hearted, as you can tell by the fact that he will routinely do acrobatic flips on the field for no reason other than to make people wonder what the hell is wrong with him. He enjoys playing Bard over any other class, and will routinely cackle in glee in the middle of Kingdom battlegames after hitting some poor bastard with Lost...

Mishka loves archery. Like, REALLY loves it. He routinely has three or four bows on hand. He spends his free time making bows. Longbows. Short bows. Mongolian bows. Experimental bows that make you go "why?". No one has as many friends as the man with many bows.

Affiliated Groups

  • He's part of House Draconis. He even has a tabard. And an apprentice, too.
  • He's also a part of House Thundervoice. Thus, the name Thundervoice.
  • By some twist of fate, he ended up in the Wardens fighting company, where he gets many hugs.

Belted Family

  • Squire to the amazingly awesome and super flurbtastic Sir Dughan

Notable Accomplishments

  • R.A. Salvatore himself praised Mishka's bow making skills. Ya. Seriously.
  • He was the first Bard in the Wetlands granted Masterhood under V8 rules. He received it the day he hit fifth level.
  • He can take twenty on acrobatics checks.
  • Has been performing magic for fifteen years, alongside mentalism and hypnosis
  • Was the last man standing in a huge zombie game. He only won because he climbed up a tree and hid for the entire game.
  • Is the reason why Ironwood has a "No flipping or tumbling on the battlefield" policy.
  • Most definitely NOT a hero.
  • Once used the incantation "The power of iceball is mine to Force Bolt!". He took a death after that.
  • When he was told that the grass field was water terrain, he started swimming across the field. He got killed by Rogue Sharks, but he kept trying anyway.
  • Jester to the Royal Court of The Wetlands, three terms in a row so far. One of those reigns it was even official.

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif