AmtWiki:General Guidelines

From AmtWiki
Revision as of 22:19, 9 April 2015 by Ricken (talk | contribs) (general guidelines outline)
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This page is under construction and does not reflect the current rules of AmtWiki, which can be found here.

This page serves as a guide to the broad policies and guidelines that are considered essential to maintaining and improving AmtWiki. These policies will evolve over time as the wiki develops and expands. Policies refer to the rules that editors should normally follow. Guidelines are practices that are supported by the consensus of the community and are often supported by common sense. These are future broken down into the following categories:

Content: defines the scope of articles and pictures that can be included in the wiki
Conduct: describes how editors work together and what editor behavior is acceptable, and how policies are enforced
Style: shows the layout and formatting of wiki information
Classification: explains the way information is categorized on the wiki
Deletion: accounts for the way deletion is handled

Community Guidelines

Admin Guidelines