Mishka Thundervoice

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Revision as of 08:39, 29 December 2014 by Glyn (talk | contribs)

Mishka Thundervoice, Bard Extraordinaire and Jester to the Royal Court, of Ironwood, Kingdom of the Wetlands

”Something funny because I'm the Jester.”


RP: Mishka grew up in a monastery, and simply couldn't stand it there. He's constantly sneak out, go to the taverns, and cause all kinds of chaos and mischief. When he was old enough, he took it upon himself to go in a "general that way direction" because he had nothing better to do. As he wandered around, he picked up stories and songs from the traveling minstrels he came across, and found a love for bow making. One day he woke up drunk on the outskirts of a growing town called "Ironwood". He figured it was as good a place as any, and decided to live there.

Mundane: Mishka started playing in 2009 when Kentigern S'rendi would come to a local park to show him and his friends how to hit each other with foam weapons. After a four year absence where he completely forgot about the game, Mishka came back to Ironwood looking for a place to nerd out. He enjoys entertaining the people at park and keeping everything light hearted, as you can tell by the fact that he will routinely do acrobatic flips on the field for no reason other than to make people wonder what the hell is wrong with him.===

Affiliated Groups

  • He's part of House Draconis. He even has a tabard.
  • He's also a Thundervoice.

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • R.A. Salvatore himself praised Mishka's bow making skills. Ya. Seriously.

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif