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Revision as of 15:22, 1 August 2014 by Nydgenga (talk | contribs) (Updated belted family)
Ignacio Pantaño Culo
Home Park Two Rivers Point
Kingdom Goldenvale
Year Started 2011
Noble Title Lord
Belt Status None

Lord Ignacio Pantaño Culo of Two Rivers Point, Goldenvale


Ignacio "Nacho" Pantaño Culo started playing at Two Rivers Point on 10 April 2011, which was when the park was founded. He has a love for obnoxious patterns and colors. His personal colors are green with blue trim and yellow or gold accents. His heraldry is vert, a hurt fimbriated argent seme de triangles or a bezant wavy fimbriated gules.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Grizel Twinkleberry accepted a page belt from him on 11 November 2013, thus beginning his belted family. Calymvir accepted a man-at-arms belt from him on 31 July 2014. Formerly Morgana Meanstab was his woman-at-arms, but she dropped her belt in July 2014.

Notable Accomplishments

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