Kaembryge Rumors

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Rumors, Plots, and Secrets of Kaembryge

  • Talk about town places the headquarters of the local Assassin’s guild in the back room of The Wench’s Knees. A symbol and a passphrase are required to access it. Don’t mess up twice.
  • Word through the community is that a plot to assassinate the Orc King is beginning among the Dark Riders of Kaembryge.
  • Deep in the Vault of Pacts that the Anti-Paladins Guild maintains is a scroll stating that if Grand Duke Sir Terarin ever shaved his goatee, he would lose his powers as a Dark Knight. Towards that end, the Grand Duke specifically kills a dozen peasants each night to raise as minions to guard it.
  • “I heard Lord Enforcer Kyrryn was once a roadie for the group of Paragon Bards known as ‘The Robbin’ Hoods.’ He says he was their manager, but they tell it differently.”
  • The Wetlands is in upheaval, the Celestial Kingdom looks to be marching alongside their cousins to the East. War is good for a sellbow, ESPECIALLY if the employer can keep your targets at 220 yards away…
  • “STRENGTH RULES THE TRIBES! Those who cannot stand with the Cave Bear must be culled, for the weak must either perish or prove themselves strong to live alongside the mighty Cave Bear Tribe!”
  • Baron Sir Katzu Farquestor was given the title of Confederate Spy of the Wetlands when he left to spend 6 years in the Rising Winds and Tal Dagore. He came back and now lives in the Celestial Kingdom. In KAEMBRYGE, even! I’ve never heard that he stopped being a spy, and to make matters worse, I heard he’s writing a book and learning everything about us. Isn’t Mordengaard just three days march from here? Fishy, if you ask me.
  • The Bards tell tales of shipments moving under cover of night to the South, their contents and purpose unknown.
  • Druids of the Great Wood have felt a great upheaval in the very stars themselves, as if some great cataclysm is coming to soon engulf all creation. Animals are becoming restless in the deep wilderness.
  • The Stonelord Dwarves of the Tar Hills seek to renegotiate the Treaty of Lover’s Hill, now 22 years old. The number 22 being sacred to the Stonelords, this may mean they want to push for more rights over Lover’s Hill and Emmon’s Cliff.
  • Strange rodent creatures have been seen stealing medical supplies from the provincial Healers guild, which as the spring and summer’s wars intensify will be more and more needed.
  • Squire Deacon’s favorite song is “Thriller.” He knows the dance by heart and loves to show off his skills if asked.
  • The Monks of the Iron Fist Temple have been speaking of sporadic bursts of permutations of their chi, allowing more and more erratic forms of expression of their personal energies. Sifu Tetsukaze reported being able to block a Wizard’s fireball.
  • Lady Bridgette is a witch who weaves Dark Magics into her crochet and knitting…
  • Though few in numbers, the Paladins of Kaembryge and indeed the Paladins Guild of the Kingdom have begun stockpiling arms and armor. While Sir Katzu has remained close-lipped about the reasons, many young knights have heard the phrase “Errantry War” being bandied about…
  • “Squires Draco and Psy were born as conjoined twins, don’t ya know? Yeah! They only got separated as a result of a dangerous game of ‘Holdeth my Ale and Watcheth THIS.’”
  • Local Scouts have been seeing crudely-drawn signs in the woods advertising “Wuds fur sale. Gud prisis. Find Jax neer big rock. No nobuls or nites.”
  • “I heard Dame Aurora doesn’t make her own garb, but instead has Gnomish garbers from the land of Zurich make it for her.”
  • Word across the battlefield of Kaembryge is that a new Mercenary Company is coming to the province. Maybe they’ll be offering some new contracts, or giving the standing companies a run for their money.
  • Everyone in Kaembryge knows Lord Sir Nella Darkblade as Sir Gekko, a great undead pirate lord. However, its all a sham! He’s actually a proper city dandy from a wealthy family and has never set foot on the deck of a ship that wasn’t bought and paid for with cash. Some say He wouldn’t know the difference between a poop deck and a pop tart…
  • The moon portends the coming of a great darkness. Word among the halls of power is that the archmagi of the Wizards Guild have begun to sell trinkets of power; potions, scrolls and other artifice of their crafts.
  • The commons have noticed that many of the usual pollination sites used by the normally endless tide of Kaembryge’s bees are empty, which may lead to a lean growing season.
  • The Wood Elves of the deep forest have been making discreet trips into the city. Who they come for, what they want, and what it has to do with Kaembryge is largely unknown.
  • Squire Luniere, also known as Spike, Traded his soul in exchange for a codpiece he thought to be enchanted with a Protection from Wounds spell. Pity is was actually a Protection from Wombs spell… He calls it his BCC: Birth Control Codpiece.

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