Aislinn D. XIII

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The Aspect of Anger, Aislinn D. XIII, Shaman of the Rout in House Wolf's Run, of the Mushroom Shrine in the Wetlands.



Role Play Biography

Mundane Biography

Aislinn XIII started at playing 2003 in the backyard of a local group of friends. Using sticks and unpadded foam untill 2007 when he met a young demon by the name of Talon Bloodsong. Talon taught him they ways of Amtgard before departing for far away lands. Aislinn XIII continued to learn as much as he could yet made little progress untill 2009 when his Lady introduced him to her friend, Tristan. Tristan told him tales of Amtgard and taught him further untill he ventured to the lands of the Gypsie King, Silent, and his Barony of the Mushroom Shrine. There he was brought under the fold of Crasiuz Raban Alzemar, with his friend Ironsky, who took them in as founding members of Wolf's Run.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

More Information
