
From AmtWiki

Woman-at-Arms Keladry, of Haranshire, Goldenvale

”I give a shit about a game that gave me something to look forward to every week in high school and continues to give me some of the best friends I've ever had. I couldn't give two shits about who gets knighted in a bathtub.”



Kel managed to very successfully avoid any in-game ambitions or travelling for the first 3 years of her Amtgard career. In 2011 she attended Fury of the Northlands and actually started meeting people. In 2012 she accepted a Woman-at-Arms belt from Squire Ursus MacGrioghar and now she actually feels obligated to do things. Dammit, Dan.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Baronial Regent, August 2011 - September 2012