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Radon, of Mystic Seas, Blackspire

”Just call me muffins”


Never was there a more noble gas than Radon, and never was there a more noble champion of that gas than the one they call Radon. The noble gases are the most unreactive of the elements we know, holding a naturally full shell of eight valence electrons. But the one they call Radon is not a gas, nor does he have a full valence shell. Born with a now unimportant name, lost to time and legend, the boy named Radon was raised by the capable hands of his parents. He was always interested in fighting, and often fought with the other local boys using sticks and stones. Eventually, when he was able to wield real steel, he began looking for trouble. Trouble was not hard to find for a boy of less than ten summers, and Radon soon found himself in a very difficult situation, face the reluctant yet firm punishments of his parents, or seek adventure in the highlands. The choice was not hard. He ran away. He wandered without aims, carefree for four long years, mingling himself with the other motley folk one can find if they really look until grave news caught him one day. Rumors of tragedy in his family brought him back to his home, where he found but half of his parents house, and only one parent. Dragons are mysterious creatures, but it is common knowledge that they hunt humans, the only predator able to manage such a feat. Now mourning the loss of his mother, he vowed to hone his skills as a fighter as to one day hunt down the dragon that took his mother and slay it. In his quest for enlightenment, he found the Black Hand, and has been practicing dutifully in hopes of a vengeful future. The Vengeant shall be triumphant. Glory to the Hand.

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