Viking Camp!

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Viking Camp!

”Viking Who? Viking Camp!!”


Viking Camp was formed by Kyrnn Wolfsbane in the summer of 2011 because he was tired of crappy garb and wanted to gather together people like him who wanted to push the envelope of garb and unit oriented fighting. A viking based company, Viking Camp! is a place for those who are interested in team oriented combat and pushing their garb to the next level, all in a family-like environment. The company relies on the strength of the group, and not on the individual. Viking Camp! has no colors, their uniform being period appropriate garb from the Vendel's through the Norman's.

Affiliated Groups


Viking Members

Jarl Kyrnn Wolfsbane

Sverð Talon Stark

Skjöldur Hearth Furor

Frohln Ffeyuson

Sarc Ffeyuson


Demon Child




Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

Coming soon

More Information