”Follow your Dreams”
A company out of Gryphon's Perch. Formed to train and guide new Amtgarders in learning the game and becoming better Amtgarders in hopes of being noticed by top level fighting companies. Our colours are a Gold chevron on a field of Vert, we are the defender of households in battle.
Anyone is allowed to petition, just send a message to the Commander. Newbies are welcome. There are requirements, yet they are simple ones. If you think you have what it takes, petition and find out how easy it is to join.
"Follow your Dreams"
Affiliated Groups
Ally Squirl - Lieutenant
Akio - Pup
Aldrin - Pup
Arwen - Dog
Ausar - Lieutenant
Ayonna - Dog
Bear - Lieutenant
Bjorn - Sergeant
Cale - Dog
Diavolo - Pup
Drauka - Dog
Eric Ravenclaw - Lieutenant
Evea - Lieutenant
freyja - Pup
Garreth - Commander
Goblin - Corporal
Gretchen - Captain
Hecate - Valkyrie
Jalathas - Dog
Kaboom - Dog
Kappa - Dog
Karli Annabelle Luna - Pup
Katarzyna - Corporal
keelgan - Dog
Ketza - Lieutenant
Krash - Dog
Lex - Lieutenant
Loki - Vice Commander
Lokland - Dog
Lynth - Dog
Maeldrew - Captain
Mahkira - Pup
Ormadil - Pup
Owen Aral ( Dave the barbar) - Pup
Phoenyx - Lieutenant
Rakhir - Captain
Reilune - Lieutenant
Revarande - Dog
Shoeless - Dog
Silvius Accuris - Captain
Skarin - Dog
Star Child - Dog
Stash - Dog
Stormcrow - Captain
Swoosh - Dog
Syn - Lieutenant
Thokerson Aral - Corporal
Tink - Dog
Tree - Dog
Umbra - Dog
Valig Mawbreaker - Dog
Vincent - Lieutenant
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2
More Information
- CuMorrigan Fighting Company
- Contact Garreth for more information.