Asche Palandir
Asche Palantir, Duke of Madoc's Keep, Kingdom of the Rising Winds
Asche started playing Amtgard in February of 2006, after hearing about the game from Sakana. Since then, he has expanded his roamings from the simple Shire of Madoc's Keep (now a Duchy) to regularly attending and participating in Rising Winds events and gatherings. In the Spring of 2012, he successfully made a bid for the first elected duke of the recently ascended Duchy of Madoc's Keep, and shortly thereafter co-founded the Rising Winds fighting company Temple of the Vanguard.
Asche hates his picture on the amtwiki but is too inept to figure out how to change it.
Affiliated Groups
Founder of the Fighting Company Dragonbait, (2006-2008) (Now Disbanded)
Formerly in: CuMorrigan, Dog (2010 - early 2011)
Fighting company: Frenzy United (Mid 2011 - Present)
Offices Held
- Champion of Madoc's Keep, March 2007 - July 2007
- Weaponmaster of Madoc's Keep, June 2008 - November 2008
- Weaponmaster of Madoc's Keep, June 2010 - November 2010
- Weaponmaster of Madoc's Keep, November 2011 - May 2012
- Duke of Madoc's Keep, March 2012 - September 2012
Notable Accomplishments
Member of the Rooks, Summer 2011 Madoc's Keep Jugging Champions