
From AmtWiki

Count Squire Rafeki of the Crown Lands of the Iron Mountains

"Quick finish before it gets worse!" - Rafeki (upon recalling his masturbatory thought process with 2 girls 1 cup)

"I'd trade in my car for a rape trap" -Rafeki


"[To Casca] "A different type of juice," is an incredibly accurate way to describe Rafeki." -Grix


Rafeki is a member of IMD (CLIM, ICL, Wtfuckever now). Was a pledge to Wu-Tang under Falcwine, joined at Rakis 2008. Member of the Dragoons since 2007, and WWAD since 2009.

Received his Lord title from Emperor Hannibal at Rakis 2010

Received his Count title from Emperor Dougie and Hannibal at Rakis 2011

Rafeki received a title from his trip to Neverwinter.

Interkingdom Ambassador of Douchebaggery, forever to be henceforth known as Douche Rafeki.


Belted Family

Rafeki is Squired to Sir Folcwine. Previously Squired to Sir Cullum

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