
From AmtWiki

Lady, Woman at Arms Whiskey Brandybuck, of The River's End, DW

”Take off your clothes!” -Whiskey

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEE.......ski" -Sev

"Why is it that all of our vegans from River's End are slightly retarded?" -Jeriah

"DIBS!" - Whiskey, Hikari, Roisin, Dea, Lyndi, Loup, Pancakes


Was introduced to the game in May 2008 by a family known as The Weasleys. Originally was known as "Brandi" and started out at the park really shy. Three months later, she changed her name to Whiskey. Today she is the most sexist man in Rivers End.

Affiliated Groups

Lady Daggers

Dragonblade Mercenaries

Household of the Community Chest


Goblin Slaying Elite (Gefreiter)

Belted Family

Sir Zircon

Sir Arion

Sir Zodiac

Sir Medryn

Notable Accomplishments

Proved that red shirts can live.

One of Loptr's Oracles.

Earned the title "Lady" from Sir Ceowulf in 2009.

Became Tess's WaA early 2010 during a fighitng tournament.

Additional Images

  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • www.facebook.com/Whiskey.Brandybuck
  • Company Website