
From AmtWiki

Baronet Man At Arms Rom, of Shadowkeep in the Kingdom of the Wetlands


"So wait a minute. The Sword of Flame was the last relic left? In the Wetlands? What the HELL happened here?!"

"Dude, you're a whale dick. You're not even a big whale dick. Not even mediocre. You're like the five-incher of the cetacean world."-Said to Ascolis



Well, not much to say, really. After Kyrow introduced him to Amtgard back in 2008, he began playing regularly at the Frost lands park. He's moved to Shadowkeep.

He is the current holder of the Wetlands Sword of Flame

He tends to help in the service areas of the game, as he enjoys helping others. He's fairly recognizable now as the dude who more or less ran the Wetlands Relic quest after his help got suckered into reeving a 5-hour Weaponmaster Tourney.. Poor 'Tip.

He likes polearms. That's not to say he's anything incredible with them. They're just fun.

the inventor of 52

Belted Family

Affiliated Groups

Order of Dark Tower

Additional Images
