Period footwear is probably the rarest kind of garb in all of Amtgard. As with many things there are 3 things to consider 1.) Good 2.) Fast 3.) cheap. Of those 3, odds are you're gonna have to settle for 2 of them.
You can make them yourself, sucker somone into making them for you, or buy some. Making shoes is not the eaisest thing in the world. Making shoes normally takes leatherworking skills and sewing skills, below I will attempt to layout what goes into making shoes, then links.
Leather is the material of choice for footwear. Latigo is the best kind, but it is expensive. Vegitable tanned leather is the second choice, it is the closest thing to period leather in stores. Chrome tanned leather should be avoided because after prolonged exposure to moisture the chrome salts will leach out and your leather will turn back to rawhide. Also i think it is worth to note many medieval Japanese shoes were made from woven grass.
The sole of a shoe is normally made from layers of leather at least 8oz thick stiched or glued together. not just any glue will due to keep the layers together, it's gotta be hella tough. throughout history woden soled shoes have been worn and refered to as clogs (not those dutch shoes, though they are clogs most other clogs just had wooden soles) and were often worn by the poor. It was not uncommon for many shoes to be hobnailed to slow wear on the sole from ancient times through world war 2.
The uppers are normally leather as well, open toed uppers such as calige or ghillies(not open toed but does not need a last)often will negate the need for a last. the upper is usually sandwiched in the layers of the sole to keep it in place.
- Links- making it!
A LOTR costume page's shoe department
1st century caligae (steryotypical roman boot)
- Links- Supplies!
Cheap hobnails, but not 100%accurate though better than nothing.- you want the 5/8" length
*VERY* authentic hobnails for ancient times -scroll the bottom to see the hobnails.
- LINKS- buying it!
Thankyou for reading my attempt at bringing good shoes to amtgard, feel free to send me your hate mail via the E-Samurai forums PM system or the IM forums PM system. Have a nice day. -LUMPY!!