
From AmtWiki

Lord MaA Redav Von Kirathelle Esquire, Master Warrior, of Harbour of Rhye, Crystal Groves

"Ima a huge fat fuck with no life, a bitch for a mother, and a whore for a girlfriend, what the fuck are you?" -Redav, arguing with a saracen

%26lt%3Bsmall%26gt%3BRedav Von Kirathelle
Home Park Harbour of Rhye
Kingdom Crystal Groves
Year Started 2004
Noble Title Lord
Belt Status Man-at-Arms


Whore Ogoolo, Fat Fuck Lord Redav, Page Maximus

Bio (Character)

Redav has a based on his actual experiences in Amtgard. To Sum it up he was born an asshole the moment he was released from his HUGE FAT ASS MOTHERS wound, (yes that bitch is fat , Jenny Craig has hired telemarketers to call her daily), founded the pathetic forever sloughing Spartans, (thank god they don't exist anymore) , and he managed to become sheriff of Harbour of Rhye. (I'm sure he paid people to vote for him. Don't oppose him, oh no because he'll start calling you names behind your back no less because he's too afraid to say shit to your face, bad mouth your family, run people off from the park, lie, cheat and steal, and let's not forget bash gay people.) Luckily this sorry fat fuck will no longer be attending the park. Yes, you can relax, and come back and actually have fun, because he and his whore will no longer be there to ruin your good time. : )


Actual History

- Started playing on and off in 2003

- Kickass

- Boy Band Expert

Affiliated Groups

Belted Line

Notable accomplishments

  • Leader of the Fat Fucks who need a life, FORREAL.
  • With the aid of the Ravens still has not conquered the Fat Fucks who need a life.
  • Co-Founder of Fat Fucks who need a life.
  • Granted Esq. By King Sir Firespitter, who also feels Redav is a Fat Fuck who needs a life.
  • Granted Master Warrior, by Zamorak at FoD 09, who again feels Redav is a Fat Fuck who needs a life.
  • Granted Lord, by Zamorak at CG coronation 2010, they need to take this shit back, forreal.
