About JW

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About J.W.

This page contains quotes from players in their own words about Sir Aramithris of Meadowlake


"Many negative things can be said about Aramithris. Even so despite his flaws he is also responsible for no small amount of our success. Part William Shatner, and part George Washington, he remains even after years of inactivity one of the most frequently imitated, quoted and discussed individuals in all of Amtgard. There is something to be said for that. That kind of influence is not casually gained nor easily dismissed."


"J is one of the best friends I've ever had. He is also by far the most difficult and challenging friend I've ever had."

His ranty ranty rant-rants


"Many years back at Clan he stumbled into Wolves of Cernunnos camp where I was incidentally hanging out. He announced that he had something to say and began some sort of bold incoherent rant, which Slyddur periodically interrupted with a toy that screamed "NO NO NO NO!" when you squished it. Then suddenly he picked me out (I wasn't even anywhere near Sly) to tell me how worthless I was, how unworthy I was, and my hat was really stupid."

The Hammer of God

"He was an angry man. No doupt he had his own demons. The most annoying thing he did to me personally was say that becasue I had a plan for interkingdom consideration I was a child molestor. For a couple of years I wouldnt speak his name. If I needed to reference him at all it would be as 'that man'. I know this reaction was childish but I was pretty mad."


"my favorite JW story is when Dan The Man "pledged" Claw Legion.

Of the times I met JW he was just sitting on the back of someone's suv not speaking & ignoring anyone that tried to address him."