Obscura Unloved

From AmtWiki

Marquess, Squire Obscura Unloved, of the Everliving Woods, Kingdom of Winter's Edge

photo courtesy of Bluebell (Miriam Dean)
photo courtesy of Dyer Barker
photo courtesy of Dyer Barker


A ordinary traveller, torn from the mundane world into Amtgardia by her husband Hunter NewBuddy, Obscura, nameless at this time, bumbled her way through trying to find the path she was destined for. Picked up by the Siren Isaura Unloved she joined a beltline and was given a name fitting for her love of both photography and mysticism.

Obscura Unloved has resided in the Everliving Woods in the Kingdom of Winter's Edge since June of 2018, is formerly of Iron Springs of Winter's Edge (2017-2018) and Sunfall Abbey (2015-2016) in the Kingdom of The Wetlands.

You can usually find her behind the scenes helping where needed or lurking around the crowds taking photos from afar.

Affiliated Groups

Photography Arts Guild

Skeinworker's Guild

House Cerebrus

Belted Family

Squired to Countess Sir Denah hap Tugruk (2020)

Woman at Arms Bluebell (2020)

previously Paged to Lady Squire Isaura Unloved (2015)

Positions Held and Accomplishments During Term

  • Regent Everliving Woods (Shire) October 2018 - April 2019
    • Held monthly A&S tournaments
    • Organized the first state-wide Amtgard A&S tourney in Alabama
  • Regent Everliving Woods (Shire) April 2019 - October 2019
    • Held term-long dragon master tournament with monthly categorical A&S tournaments
  • Prime Minister Everliving Woods (Barony) January 2019 - February 2020
    • Made monthly "State of the Woods" reports keeping populace members up to date on dues-paid membership, 6-month attendance averages, and state of the park coffers
  • Protem Regent, Kingdom of Winter's Edge February 2020 - April 2020
    • Coordinated and ran Winter's Edge Best of A&S virtual/online tourney
  • Kingdom of Winter's Edge Board of Directors Secretary January 2020 - January 2021
    • Organized important files in Google Drive for current and future Board members
    • Obtained electronic copies of nearly all Winter's Edge parks for record-keeping
    • Maintained a public action item list for Board transparency
    • Helped vote-in 3 new parks to the Kingdom of Winter's Edge
  • Protem Prime Minister Everliving Woods (Barony) April 2020 - July 2020
  • Regent, Kingdom of Winter's Edge October 2020 - April 2021
    • Facilitated an online Interkindom Showcase with optional feedback for entrants in January 2021
    • Autocratted Winter's Edge's first online Midreign February 2021
    • Facilitated Winter's Edge's first online 5 and under A&S Tournament with 5 judges for each category February 2021
    • Coordinated and ran monthly A&S panels including out of kingdom panelists
    • Held monthly craft challenges in which park regents or representatives voted on challenge topic and the winner
  • Kingdom of Winter's Edge Board of Directors Secretary January 2021 - January 2022
    • Helped vote-in 1 new park to the Kingdom of Winter's Edge

Other Notable Accomplishments

  • Founded the Amtgard Photography Arts Guild July 2018
  • Coordinated/Ran Winter's Edge's Dragon Master August 2019 as Regent Assistant
  • Co-founded House Cerebrus May 2020
  • Reformatted Winter's Edge Corpora to reduce redundancy, remove gender-specific nouns (she/he), and reorganize for better word flow. Reformat accepted by Winter's Edge BoD Fall 2020
  • Member and Contributor to Amtgard Online Academy of Knowledge

Classes Held

  • Basic Amtgard Photography
    • June 2020 for the Kingdom of the Wetlands online Coronation
    • Fall 2020 for Duchy of Sylvan Glade online Coronation
    • December 2020 for the Kingdom of the Wetlands online Coronation
  • A&S Entrant Aftercare
    • February 2021 for the Kingdom of the Wetlands online Collegium
    • April 2021 for the Online Academy of Knowledge (Amtgard)

Arts and Sciences Tournaments Judged

  • Multiple Shire and Barony park tournaments for Everliving Woods in Winter's Edge 2018-2020
  • Multiple park tournaments for the Shire of Roaring Plains in Winter's Edge 2018-2019
  • Multiple online tournaments for the Barony of Ironwood in the Wetlands 2020
  • 3 and Under Dragon online tournament for the Duchy of Sylvan Glade in Winter's Edge February 2021

Arts and Sciences Tournaments Placed

  • 1st place: Communications Category: Kingdom of Winter's Edge Dragon Master February 2020
  • 1st place: Persona themed A&S: Barony of Everliving Woods in Winter's Edge May 2020
  • Best in Show (Drawgr): Radiation Valley A&S: Barony of Radiant Valley in Winter's Edge October 2020

Additional Images

Personal heraldry.jpg Personal Heraldry

PhotographyArtsGuild.jpg Photography Arts Guild Heraldry

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif