By Night They Dance

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Revision as of 23:53, 23 February 2009 by LucasTheLost (talk | contribs)

Creatures of the Night and the Games They Play.

A production of the Amtgard 7 Expansion Group


BNTD takes the game from the usual daylight and past the cloak of night. Herein you will find all manner of nocturnal beasts, twisted and corrupt Undead and the fury of Lycanthropes. You will find games for after dark and rules for conducting your games safely. There's also optional rules for faking it, for when you have no choice but to role-play being in the dark, just add imagination. In addition to the monsters and game ideas, we present the concept of Class Archetypes as an aid to role-players who wish to bring a particular theme to their chosen profession. And say welcome back to a couple of Golden Oldies: the Gypsy and Thief "Alternate Classes" from the Wetlands and Dragonspine, revised and updated to mesh with the new rules. Throw in a few minor relics with an ominous bent, and you've got some serious adventure on your hands.

Sections of By the night they dance

Monsters from By the Night They Dance

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