Jungle Man

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Jungle Man (Barbarian Archetype)


Being lost as a child and raised by jungle animals has done nothing to deter your joy of living. You lead a simple life, wasting nothing and maintaining the balance of nature. You are friends with the jungle animals that raised you, and the rest defer to your superior intellect and combat skills.


Fur loincloth (or fur bikini for the female version)

Essential Abilities:

Berserk lives are a great chance to daub mud on your face, scream like a madman and plunge into battle.

Suggested Abilities:

Summon a Three-Horn or Mammoth mount, or convince a friend to play as a Great Cat, Alpha Wolf, Gorilla, Rhinoceros or other jungle animal.

Role-Playing Notes:

Pound your chest and howl like an animal before entering battle. Speak in short, choppy sentences and always refer to yourself in the third person. “Tarzan like monkeys.” When encountering a Standard Beast, try and befriend it, then kick its ass if it still gives you crap.


Melee and throwing daggers, javelins, spear, short bow

Monster List