The Legion

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Kyprioth's Legion

”Death Rides Upon Our Wings”

Heraldry Crow on cross quarters.JPG


Kyprioth's legion was started in late 2013 - a collaboration from approximately 8 people, it is hard to pin down who exactly began the company, though all three Head Generals share the responsibility for running the company. the main tenant of the group is "Don't be a dick." with the explanation of "Asshole is a personality trait, Dick is a choice."

Though they fashion themselves as a fighting company, being a good fighter is not a prerequisite to joining. In the opinions of the leaders, it is far more important that you mesh with the group, and are willing to learn, rather than that you already an accomplished fighter. In the words of Dahlia - "I can teach someone sword play, how to use a spear, how to shoot an arrow. I cannot teach them to be kind, humble, and willing to help a fellow player. Those are things that the player must already exemplify, in some form, before being brought in."

Notable accomplishments

Most widely known for their service work, though not as a company, but as individuals. Dahlia and Baulder ran Hydration/Med tent at Coronation the summer of 2014, successfully forcing water down the throats of all the idiots in armor, and potentially changing the way Autocrats will plan events in the future. Baulder also created 'Court Nights' in Bloodwyrm Haven, earning him an extreme jump in Orders of the Rose. The Legion plans on continuing to assist in running Court Nights, for the foreseeable future.

Interesting facts

One of the few companies with a closed camp, and with an outline of rules required to be followed in order to camp with them. Including -

  • Posted guard shifts from 12am-8am
  • Tokens given to members and non-members, for entrance between 'closed camp' times
  • Camp-wide meals
  • Duty rosters
  • Legion-member escort during 'closed camp' hours for anyone without a token

While the above seems very militarized, (which it is) those rules were agreed upon by all members of the original eight. The reasoning was that the company wanted to leave a good impression on their neighbors, and they also wanted to ensure that no one was in their camp who shouldn't be. Even at small events, or with small attendance, a Legion tent city can be found, with walls and a bonfire.

While still young, this company is also becoming known for taking on teenagers, and keeping them managed during events.

Code of Conduct

1. Members will conduct themselves with their brothers and sisters in mind.

2. Disagreements will be handled swiftly and privately, both with those in the company and not.

3. Members will follow the Rules Of Play of Amtgard to the letter and spirit.

4. A member will not play tricks that cannot be easily explained and undone.

5. It is the member’s duty to study and get better.

6. It is the leader’s duty to help their soldiers achieve greatness.

7. Members will strive to help others whenever possible.

8. Honor is imperative.

9. Impulsive action is rarely correct, consider before making a move.

10. If your mother, brother, friend, or outsider would frown on what you may do, or have done – Don’t do it (again.) and apologize to those effected.

Our actions reflect on those around us. We all wish for the betterment of the game, and the betterment of ourselves. It is unkind to smear mud on the reputation and face of those around you, who would help you up if you fall. Consider these things, before making comment or action.

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