Honor Duel (V7)

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An Honor Duel is a fight between two people where others do not interfere, usually during a large battle with many players. This is either because of respect or because the "Honor Duel" spell (listed below) has been cast upon the fighters. The spell bars others from taking place in the fight or otherwise affecting it, while the informal variety can be meddled with, though it is often considered dishonorable to interfere.

Spell Type

Sorcery, verbal (range: 20 ft.), Bard Lvl. 4, Wizard Lvl. 1


State "(the names of the contestants)" loudly and repeat x5 "Remain this duel pure."


Each contestant becomes completely immune to outside effects. They must duel each other until one is dead or a mutually agreed term of winning is accomplished. Participants in an Honor Duel may only affect one another and are considered to be out of play until the spell is finished. The victor may choose safe passage to their home base, ignoring all wounds until their arrival. If alive, the loser must return to his base and call "Alive" to re-enter the game.


May not be members of the same team without the Reeve's permission. Barbarians cannot be involved in this spell. Spell is negated if no side achieves victory in a 300 count.


Combat is limited to a reasonable area. Should the duel become a stalemate (e.g., a participant is Petrified or otherwise incapacitated) the spell will be considered a draw if no combat takes place within a 30 count and both players must then return to base. Honor Duel may not be dispelled or cancelled. May not be cast on people acting as game items.

Monsters who Duel Honorably

Dread Knight