From AmtWiki
Squire Hunteil, of Crystal Groves Proper Kingdom of Crystal Groves
”An indicative quote”
Started Amtgard at a very young age in the early years of the Crystal Groves creation.
Affiliated Groups
- House Sentinels of Virtues - Commander-Advisor - Sleeping Good Aligned Company
- House Black Band -
- House Pharaoh -
- House The Caleldar - Eldarin (Leader)>2nd - Good Aligned Tolkien Elven Household
- House Ironwood - Honorary Member
- Company Banded Blade - Member
Belted Family
- Man at Arms Belt - To Lady Angela Mastersigner at Feast of Fools 2004
- Squire Belt - To Lady Dame Angela Mastersinger at Duchy coronation July 2011
(To be updated)
Notable Accomplishments
(To be updated still)
- Participated in a Youth Demo (info unknown)
- Participated in Mummers Day Parade 2003?, 2004, 2005, 2006
- Participated in CF Walk and Demo. 2006
- Created an Amtgard 5-fold Pamphlet to be handed out for Q/A. 2006
- Liaison and ran a Professional Massage Therapy Donation Charity. Feast of Fools 2006
- Brought in 15+ Members in a 5 month period. 2005/2006
- Due to losing a physical park to play in. Donate the use of his 0.2 acre back yard for Tournaments he had to run one weekend. (lol) 2006
- Lord - Given by Sir Toda, King for the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, 2013
- Guild Master of Warriors - of the Duchy of Crystal Groves, 2004, 05, 06, 07, 11, 12
- Gladiator - of the Duchy of Crystal Groves, Jan - July 2006
This position was basically "Vice Champion" and Tournament Director.
- Champion - Pro-tem - of the Duchy of Crystal Groves, July 2011 - January 2012
- Master Warrior - Given by Monarch of the Kingdom of Goldenvale, April 2006
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website