Covus Helstaven
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Revision as of 13:13, 5 May 2010 by (talk) (→Baron Covus Helstaven, of the Duchy of Olympus, Iron Mountains)
Baron Covus Helstaven, of the Duchy of Olympus, Iron Mountains
”Is Covus gunna have to shiv a bitch?
Covus started playing Amtgard in Olympus. On his first day, he had a run in with Kupe, and he swore never to come out again. However, at much behest from his friends, he began again. Within two months, took the Champion position, and followed with two solid reigns as Duke of Olympus. He has been instrumental in the population growth of Olympus since he first became a Champion at Olympus.
Affiliated Groups
Free Companies - 2nd Batt. Blade Captain
Lord of House Siegeweapon Saints
Notable Accomplishments
- Recieved Noble Title of Baron.
- First Elected Duke of Olympus.
- Received the title "Guardian of Olympus" by Duke Sir Micah.
- Former Prince of the Principality of Olympus
- Master Barbarian
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website