Smiling Ones

From AmtWiki


The Smiling Ones is the longest running company in Goldenvale. The Smiling Ones are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to have fun while playing the game of Amtgard.

We are a growing company and are always on the look out for new members. Our company's heraldry is a yellow sun on a black background. The uniform is... anything you want! All Decisions (every single one) are made democraticly in this company. The Battlefield Strategist's consist or Beans, Ted The Farmer, and Prazac. Right now we are located in Goldenvale Proper, but we are always looking to expand. As Smiling Ones, we spend some of our time at events helping with clean up and generally making sure people are having a good time. That's what we are all about: Have fun and help others have fun!
