Shannon Bradford

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Lady Squire Shannon Bradford, of Caradoc Hold, Goldenvale.



Originally from Haranshire, Shannon has moved back and forth between the two groups on several occasions due to school and work and such, and has served in office in both groups. She is a spirited pirate wench, yarrrrrrr!

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

  • Granted the title of Lady by King Sir Goliath, July 2007
  • Master Bard, granted by King Sir Goliath, July 2007

Belted Family

Positions Held

  • Regent of Caradoc Hold, April 2005 - October 2005
  • Court Bard, Caradoc Hold, May 2006 - November 2006
  • Regent of Haranshire, January 2007 - June 2007
  • Court Bard, Caradoc Hold, September 2008 - December 2008

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