Would it be a good idea to have a sort of "database" in this page somewhere to record and review as many different brands and types of noodle as possible? A noodle consumer reports if you will. Perhaps with a 1-X numerical rating even.--Lumpy!! 00:34, 16 June 2008 (EDT)
Is that comment about fifteen noodles for fifty dollars true, or is it a joke?
I do not believe it is a joke. Besides in the end each stick would end up being $3.33, which is a much better price than the $5 a stick I had to pay last winter from a pool supply store. Remember kids: stock up on noodle before the off season! >_<--Lumpy!! 01:35, 16 June 2008 (EDT)
Sounds like a good idea Lumpy, just try to keep it broad enough to be usable by most folks. --Linden 09:06, 16 June 2008 (EDT)
Holy crap, they are a dollar a piece EVERYWHERE I have been in Arizona, and we don't even have that much water (been in a drought for over a decade).