From AmtWiki

Baronet IKIYA, of Truevale of Desert Winds of Iron Mountains

”Who's IKIYA? I'm IKIYA!”



IKIYA started Amtgard in May 2004 after fighting with his older brother Duo in their backyard for three months. He resides in Truevale (Rock Springs, WY) and has been fighting there since he started. He is usually seen on the field with torn garb that has a skeletal dragon on the back and refuses to accept new garb. His favorite class is Peasant because this way he has no special abilities. IKIYA almost always only fights with a single short sword, but will pick up a shield or pole every now and then.

IKIYA once challenged a Kendo Apprentice after the guy said,"People in Amtgard can't sword fight" and won with a flawless victory.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Winner of Rakis Assassin Tournament in '07
  • Winner of Rakis Assassin Tournament in '08
  • Winner of First 4 Truevale Weaponmaster Tournaments


Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website