Westmarch BoD
The Amtwiki home for the Westmarch Board of Directors. This space will be used to direct current and future members of Westmarch to better support the kingdom with easily accessible and public resources
What is it?
A board of directors is a group of individuals chosen by the stock holders of a company to promote their interests, or in the case of a not-for-profit corporation by its members, by the previous Board or through some other mechanism in its by-laws or by statute in the case of a public corporation.
In terms of Amtgard, Kingdoms have a board of directors elected by their dues paid populace. They typically serve one year. The Monarch and Prime Minister are automatically members, typically there are five other at-large members on the board of directors. The Board will typically have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The actual make-up of the board may vary from kingdom to kingdom.Typically the Board of Directors will be responsible for all dealings with outside organizations, such as contracts, funding, legal situations, insurance and so forth.
Link to Westmarch BoD Handbook
Link to Westmarch Ledgers
Link to SoP for Westmarch Tax submission
Westmarch BoD members (Current)
- President: Brian Ouellette
- Treasurer: Andrew Brown
- Vice President: Tirzah Brown
- Secretary: Jose Chavez
- Alternate: Victoria Kathleen
- Liason: Paul Wilkins
Westmarch Monarchy (Current)
- Monarch: Thistledown
- Prime Minister: Wendy
- GMR: Dagger
- Champion: Bear-Bear
- Regent: Alura