Amtgard V9

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Official Status

Amtgard V9 is still in development. Please visit the Official Amtgard V9 Webpage for more information.

Release Timeline

  • Amtgard V9 is scheduled to be adopted as the official version of the Amtgard LARP in August 2024.
  • Open beta playtesting is scheduled to begin in August 2023.
  • Closed alpha playtesting is scheduled to begin in August 2022.
  • Official Research and Development has been on-going since August 2019.

The Amtgard V9 Committee

The Amtgard V9 Committee, also known as the V9 Team works for Amtgard International as a branch under the Executive Director and reports to the Circle of Monarchs. This committee is responsible for research and development of the Amtgard V9 Rules of Play.

Core Membership

The core members act as the primary decision-makers for the committee. They are the official committee members recognized by the Circle of Monarchs and bear all the responsibility for the success or failure of the project.



  • Committee Member: Wat
  • Statistician: Rel

Extended V9 Team

Members of the Extended Team are supporting contacts chosen by the Core Members to provide guidance, insight, advice, or to promote idea generation. Extended members are not part of the official V9 committee and hold no official power or responsibility in the Amtgard V9 project other than those granted to them by the core team.

  • All Kingdom Rules Reps
  • All V9 Focus Group Members
  • All Research Ambassadors
  • All supporting Amtgard International Committees, such as Diversity & Inclusion, Technology, Award Standards, etc.


Before 2019: Unofficial Teams

Prior to 2018, the idea of Amtgard V9 development was being explored by two separate, unofficial teams. One led by former Amtgard V8 developper, Korderellin, and another by Rising Winds Rules Rep and eventual RRO, Manama Proster.

2019-2020: The Merger

At Gathering of the Clans 2019, with approval from the Circle of Monarchs, the two teams merged together and were christened as an official committee under Amtgard International. Over the next year, the team would refine it's membership and slowly put together an operational structure and long-term development plan.

During this time, the team was led jointly by Korderellin and Manama Proster.

Also during this time, [{Rel]] left the committee to pursue work overseas, and the global COVID-19 pandemic forced the world into lockdown, including all Amtgard Kingdoms.

2020-2021: Phase 1 - Comprehensive Surveys

At Gathering of the Clans 2020, with unanimous approval from the Circle of Monarchs and his committee peers, Wunjo Ballo was promoted to Committee Lead and Director of V9 Development. Under Wunjo's leadership, the V9 team began Phase 1 of their four-year development plan.

Phase 1 was a pure research initiative that involved mass distribution of comprehensive surveys about the Amtgard V8 rules of play. From these surveys, they also selected and invited a diverse group of over 100 players from across all Kingdoms to participate in online focus groups and act as idea generator and general feedback for early stage ideas. Lastly, the V9 committee established the V9 webpages and numerous other outreach initiatives to engage as much of the active Amtgard population as possible and mitigate the effects of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

Also during this time, Heron was recruited to the core team and Wat stepped down but continues to contribute as an extended team member.

2021-2022: Phase 2 - Field Research Program

At Gathering of the Clans 2020, the committee presented an annual report to the Circle of Monarchs and officially entered Phase 2 of development.

Phase 2 focuses on On-Field Research as the greater Amtgard community exits the COVID-19 pandemic and returns to field. Parks were invited to apply to be park of the program, which would allow to them to take part in special experiments and testing, providing feedback directly to the committee via park-appointed Research Ambassadors.

Amtgard V9 Development is currently in this phase.
