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Drago Amharetz, of Arrantor, Goldenvale

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." ~ Samuel Beckett

Amtgard Drago 2.jpg


Hail, traveler, and well met.

I come from the swamps of Darkwater East, where the stirges fly and the dragons swim. I trained as a wizard, but gave it up. That much power addled my head. Since then I've been a wandering friar, a bowyer, a tinker, and an explorer. I'd be a bard, if not for the sad fact that my singing causes milk to curdle and flowers to die.

Why am I here, fighting goblins and werewolves and gods-know-what-else? Well I suppose it's my overwhelming curiosity. Got to learn what's beyond the next mountain, what's hidden in the ancient temple, or just how those northern barbarians harness reindeer to a sleigh.

I first started playing Amtgard in Darkwater East, in the reign of Baron Sir Kitirat (1998). Traveled through Emerald Hills and Pegasus Valley, then settled at the Bitter Coast(2010-2011) Came to Arrantor in the reign of Sheriff Owen (2012).

In mundane life, I do materials science and engineering at Corning Glass. Facebook page

Affiliated Groups

House Kiroc

Notable Accomplishments

Builder of Amtgard crossbows and other odd items

Suffers from periodic bouts of Evil Wizardry (currently in remission)