Black Hollow

From AmtWiki

A chapter of Principality in Kingdom, located in Washington Missouri




Black Hollow was founded in 2013 by Bishop Plague, and Panikk Starvation. We play at Lion's Lake Park in Washington, MO. The Idea was brought up By Scorbok with the fall of Dragon Moon Keep in late 2012.



Link title====Officers==== Monarch- Bishop Plague Blackleaf(Reverend Plague)

Regent- Panikk Starvation

Prime Minister- Phase Forgotten

Champion- Shadow Step

Guild Master of Reeves- Scorbok

Contacts and Directions

Black Hollow meets on Sunday at 12:30pm. We play at the Lions Lake Park in Washington, MO. We are on the opposite side of the large open field next to the lake, in the pavilion on the hill.

Any questions about the park email [email protected]