Woodhaven Keep
A shire under the Kingdom of the Rising Winds, Rochester Hills, Michigan.
The people of Woodhaven Keep began playing Amtgard in January of '06, after Xerxies was initially exposed to the game through his sister Ketza, of the Barony of Ashen Hills. Our contract with the BLBOD was approved 2-21-08.
Sheriff: Phoenyx Prime Minister: Skarin Regent: Haven Champion: Ausar
Contacts and Directions
We meet Sundays from 1:00 PM to 4-5 PM at the Rochester Municipal Park in Rochester Hills, MI
Here's a link to a map showing where the park is located-- on Pine located West of Main street on W. university. If driving North on South Main st. W university will be on the left. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217966665947401756250.0004a644d21954a2ab7b9&msa=0&ll=42.684462,-83.135766&spn=0.003809,0.010461
Please contact Larkin <[email protected]> if you have any questions.